
Showing posts from June, 2021

Charming Charlie and Tricky Ricky

Commenting on sexual harassment allegations against Noel Clarke in an interview with  Variety  earlier this year, After Life producer Charlie Hanson said that abuse of power in the entertainment industry is “learnt behaviour that is not confronted enough”. So let’s confront it now: According to widely published reports at least eleven women have claimed that 'hands-on' Hanson has “promised them a starry career under his wing, and then exploited their trust in creepy and illegal ways”. Among the alleged victims is a woman who says she met Hanson in 2008 to discuss a script   and ended up having non-consensual sex with him - in other words, that he raped her. Another accuses him of plying her with drinks and then molesting her when she was semiconscious on a sofa after they met to discuss a script she had written. The pattern repeats itself. A foot in the door in exchange for a hand down the pants seems to be the  modus operandi. The lack of witnesses, of course...